Getting the shoulders to turn correctly pays huge dividends for the direction the arms and club move and how the body works. Proper sequence is everything. Watch to learn the desired shoulder movement.
My teaching has almost worked on the principle of allowing the student to be able to understand and fix swing issues. Here is an example of that with the very visual Drill Six.
Many golfers' want to film their swing so they can see what they may be doing right or wrong. Without understanding exactly what you are looking for then this can be dangerous. Learn what you really need to pay attention to with this article.
Drill 6 is explained as the swing x-ray. As it helps the student see which drill may be slightly off and this tells them which drill to go focus on to bring their swing back into its correct shape. Here is a good way to focus on it.
Using the drill 3 and the drill 6 to full effect will give any golfer the truest indication of how swing plane, path and face control work. In this video one of our website members shows us how the entry and exit work.
Swing planes are often drawn over videos and used to show golfers their swing path. Lines on a screen are generally straight lines. Yet from the golfer's view there are NO straight lines- or at least shouldn't be. Watch this older video of mine to learn more