The follow through can be a great indicator of how well the swing functioned. There are many different styles of finish and every one of them can tell a story. Learn more here.
Does the head really need to stay still in the golf swing? There is a really simple answer to this.....
Why is Drill One/ 430 Path the first initiative in building a solid repeatable golf swing from? Because it is based on the fundamentals of the golfer most people agree on was the greatest ballstriker in the history of the game.
Too many golfers and instructors wrongfully assume that once the ball is struck that is the end of things and nothing else really matters. Once you understand the club in its entirety is also the shaft and the grip and not just the clubhead- you are on your way to better.
We often hear about pulling the left (lead) hip out of the way on the downswing in an effort to rotate. The area above the hip is way more important as I will show in this video.
Watch these videos to understand why the hand speed of drill one and the pivot speed of drill three are the perfect goal of how the release of the club works to full effect.
Finding the correct finish point in the swing is a sure-fire way to control the direction of your short irons. Maintaining the structure of the wrists in relation to the club at this point in the follow through will mean laser wedge play.
The right arm action in the golf swing may be the most misunderstood action/reaction in what makes a good golf swing repeatable and efficient. Learn the true role of the right arm and hand here in this article.
This video encompasses two of my favorite subjects. To be strong and fast beyond impact & Don't be a slave to the backswing. Watch and learn how and why this can make the world of difference to your swing.
Watch this Tiger Woods practice swing. Exiting left with the through swing with the hands is a nice way to continue the arc of the swing. The clubhead however doesn't need to go that way